Want to buy us a Coffee? You rock!

If you feel that Disability Sanctuary has gone way above and beyond the call of duty to help you, and you would like to say thank you with a coffee, you can do so below. Just click or tap on the item you would like to donate and Paypal will handle the rest. You won’t be getting anything in return, except for our gratitude! Thanks! We are a self funded community which relies greatly on the support of others.

You are welcome to donate one of the pre set amounts below or you can click the “Buy us a coffee” button and set your own amount

buy us a coffee 125 Support Us, Disability Sanctuary

£1.00 – 1 days website hosting fees or a cup or coffee

£5.00 – 5 days web hosting fees

£10.00 – Enough to host a quiz night + a cup of coffee

£20.00 – Enough for a quiz night & photograph competition

£50.00 – Coffee for 6 months

£100.00 – Covers over 3 months website hosting fees

£250.00 – Major upgrades for Disability Sanctuary and lots of coffee

£500.00 – Major Donation. This allows us to keep the site free for a long long time

By supporting us you are helping us to reach the thousands of disabled people who need our website support.

As a member of Disability Sanctuary there are a number of ways that you can help:

Testimonials - Write a testimonial about Disability Sanctuary. Tell us how the site has helped you. These help us promote the site further with the knowledge that the site is doing its job for the members.

Promote Disability Sanctuary - If you use social networking sites help us get the word out by mentioning us and sending out links. You can also tell your friends and other contacts about our site.

Join In - We rely greatly on the input of our members, this also helps us to plan for the future and lets us know whats working and whats not around the site.

Make a Donation - As the site is self funded any donations are greatly received. All donations go towards the running of the site and to improve and introduce new features as well as any activities or events that we host.